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By royal order...the Ministry of Endowments announces the holding of rain prayer tomorrow, Friday, in various regions and regions of the Kingdom✍️๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

 By royal order...the Ministry of Endowments announces the holding of rain prayer tomorrow, Friday, in various regions and regions of the Kingdom✍️๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

The Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs announced that, in implementation of the Supreme Mawlawi order, the rain prayer will be held in prayer halls and university mosques, in various regions and regions of the Kingdom, tomorrow, Friday, at ten in the morning. 

The Ministry explained, in a statement, a copy of which was received by NajibPressEng today, that “in keeping with the Sunnah of his grandfather, the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, in praying for rain whenever the rain stops, the Commander of the Faithful, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God bless him, decided to perform the rain prayer out of reverence and supplication to God.” Almighty is His ability to give water to His servants and animals, to spread His mercy, and to revive its dead country. For He, Glory be to Him, is the refuge and hope, “And He is the One who sends down the rain after they have despaired and spreads His mercy.”

New Chic The same statement added, “In implementation of the Supreme Mawlawi order, the rain prayer will be held in chapels and university mosques in various regions and regions of the Kingdom on Friday, Jumada al-Awwal 17, 1445 AH, corresponding to December 1, 2023 AD, at ten in the morning.”

He added, "May God protect our illustrious master with what he preserved the wise memory and protect the country from the scarcity of rain and the barren years. His Majesty approved of his crown prince, His Royal Highness the Venerable Prince Moulay El Hassan, and strengthened his support for his brother, His Royal Highness the glorious Prince Moulay Rachid, and preserved him among the rest of the members of his honorable royal family."

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