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This is the full truth behind the death of the military doctor, “Murad Al-Saghir,” according to a report from the Tangier Security Prefecture✍️👇👇👇

This is the full truth behind the death of the military doctor, “Murad Al-Saghir,” according to a report from the Tangier Security Prefecture✍️👇👇👇

The Tangier Security Prefecture confirmed that, on November 12, 2023, the city’s Fifth Police Department received a notification from Mohammed V Hospital about the death of a person in the emergency department, due to a health crisis, after he had arrived at the hospital suffering from severe health symptoms, due to which the hospital’s administrative staff was unable to collect his data. Identification and verification of identity. 

A report from the security authority explained that the judicial police in the security department began an investigation under the supervision of the competent public prosecution, which began by carrying out the necessary inspections and observations that confirmed that there were no prominent or visible traces of violence or resistance on the body, before a technician was assigned in the judicial diagnosis to collect the fingerprints of the deceased person. For the purpose of making the necessary identification matches to determine his full identity and notifying his family of the death. New Chic

According to the source, the identification matches completed based on the automated fingerprint identification system made it possible to find an identity that closely matches the fingerprints of the deceased person, who was found to be registered in the diagnostic databases as a resident of France, and declared to be a user, based on the data he provided. To obtain a consular registration certificate issued by the Consulate General of Morocco in the French city of Bordeaux.

To definitively verify the identity that was extracted through automated matches, the report confirmed that the competent security department carried out field investigations and movements for the purpose of controlling the residence of the person concerned in Morocco and finding his relatives, after it became clear that all his data were registered in France.

As a culmination of these investigations, a person was found who, in the first stage of the research, was likely to be the brother of the deceased person, and who confirmed that he actually had a full brother with the data obtained by the automated diagnosis, but he was unable to know his current place of residence in Morocco, so he provided data about his two sisters who They were called and identified the body.

In parallel, the same source adds, the security department in charge of the search requested from the Public Prosecution, according to a written report, to subject the body of the deceased person to a medical autopsy to determine the causes of death, a process that was completed by a specialized forensic doctor, and whose results were included in the report requested by the Public Prosecution supervising the search. Before the deceased's body was delivered to his family, which began burial procedures.

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