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a protest by MSC Maroc employees and executives in protest against the organization’s management style + pictures✍️👇👇👇

a protest by MSC Maroc employees and executives in protest against the organization’s management style + pictures✍️👇👇👇

Yesterday evening, Thursday evening, dozens of employees and employees of MSC Maroc, in front of the company’s headquarters located at 213 Yusra Residence Orbit of Europe, between Al-Zarqtouni Street and Al-Muqama Street, organized a massive protest stand, along with a 24-hour warning strike, in protest against the company’s management style, which is based on marginalization and procrastination towards the demands that... They described it as “fair,” whether related to this year’s demands file or the outstanding points.

The protesters shouted slogans and banners expressing their anger and concern towards this company, stressing that the company is practicing “restriction and provocation against the company’s workers, which is considered an infringement on union freedoms, a strike against union work, and a violation of national laws, customs, and international conventions and agreements, especially Conventions 135 and 98.”

This decision also came after the union office for MSC Maroc employees and employees exhausted all means of dialogue and negotiation through correspondence and correspondence from the organization’s management in order to respond to the legitimate demands of the workers and avoid all tension or tension within the company. However, the organization’s management met the efforts of the union office with neglect and procrastination.

In a statement to the press, Ahmed Behnis, member of the National Secretariat of the Moroccan Labor Union and Secretary-General of the Regional Federation of Greater Casablanca Trade Unions, said, “The protest is a message of solidarity and support for all those targeted against forms of restrictions and attacks on union freedoms,” explaining that the Moroccan Labor Union condemns all forms of restrictions nationally, regionally and locally. He stressed that all trade unionists struggle to improve their working conditions and achieve their gains, and this is one of their basic rights.

For his part, Mustafa Wardan, a member of the National Secretariat of the same union organization, in a speech in which he urged the administration to meet the just demands of the company’s workers, stressing that matters will witness escalatory developments on the horizon if the situation continues as it is, concluding his speech by saying: “What does not come with struggle will come.” With more struggle.”

It is worth noting that the MSC Maroc Employees and Executives Union belongs, in terms of the union structure, within the Moroccan Labor Union to the Union of Port Workers and Maritime Men, which indicates the occurrence of an anticipated solidarity strike within the port of Casablanca in the coming days in the event that the problem created by the company’s management is not finally settled. concerned.


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