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The General Directorate of National Security and the Bank of Morocco sign two agreements of interest to the Moroccan citizen...Read the details✍️👇👇👇

The General Directorate of National Security and the Bank of Morocco sign two agreements of interest to the Moroccan citizen...Read the details✍️👇👇👇

The General Directorate of National Security and the Bank of Morocco signed two agreements, the first of which is a protocol authorizing the Bank of Morocco to exploit the technical functions of the national electronic identification card, and the second is a “partnership agreement to protect the administrative facilities of the Bank of Morocco and secure the transfer of funds.”

A joint statement from the two institutions stated that these two agreements, which were signed respectively, in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 04.20 relating to the electronic national identification card, and Law No. 40.17, relating to the basic law of the Bank of Morocco, fall within the framework of strengthening the partnership between the two institutions.

The first agreement aims to strengthen the mechanisms for verifying identity and combating its forgery, as well as simplifying procedures and digitizing services, in order to enhance the protection of the interests of beneficiaries and improve the quality of services provided to them, by establishing the services of a trusted national third-party platform for proving identity, developed by the General Directorate of National Security. At the disposal of the Bank of Morocco, in order to enable it to verify the identity of its clients and read their identification data automatically, Based on their national electronic identification cards, after their approval, whether within the facilities of the Bank of Morocco or remotely at the level of the services it provides on the Internet.

But The second agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between the General Directorate of National Security and the Bank of Morocco in the field of protecting the bank’s administrative facilities, its affiliated money museums, its branches, and its agencies, and to provide it with the necessary security accompaniment to secure the transfer of money and valuables, as well as strengthening this cooperation by organizing awareness-raising courses and simulation exercises in order to test The readiness of the concerned departments to intervene when necessary.


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